Hebrew and Aramaic Language classes
Have you ever wanted to read the bible in the ancient languages in which it was composed in?
Have you ever wondered what context has gotten lost in translations?
Do you want a deeper and richer reading of the bible?
Private lessons:
Learning in a one on one environment set you up for learning success
Learn to read the Bible in Hebrew
Weekly lessons tailored to meet you individual goals
Group lessons:
Grab a group of people together for a major discount on the lessons
Capped at 6 people so you all get individual attention
Online Learning Environment
Classes are delivered through Zoom where we work though the course workbooks together
Lessons go for 1hr with the expectation of 1hr of homework a week
Hebrew then Aramaic
Hebrew is the first language to learn for reading the bible as it was written by Hebrew people with Hebrew concepts. Once you have learnt Hebrew I offer lessons in Aramaic so you can read the Hebrew Bible the Tanakh from the beginning of the Torah (Genesis) all the way thought to the end of the Ketuvim (Chronicles) without skipping books like Daniel and Ezra.
For more information use the contact tab on the top on the page